Opublikowane na Youtube: 2021 KTLC Pisarstwo Medyczne PL
2021 KTLC Pisarstwo Medyczne PL Pisarstwo Medyczne (Medical Writing) – Nowe perspektywy dla tłumacza medycznego. Maria Kołtowska-Häggström, MD, PhD … via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8v74f0Ojwc
Medical Writing | Sustainable communications | Lingua Franca and Beyond
The result of fruitful cooperation between the members of the @EASE and those of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) @EMWA published in Medical Writing, 2022, 31(1). Interesting reading! @SylwiaUfnalska @MariaKołtowska-Häggström https://ift.tt/d34CPWj Proper Medical Writing #communication #research #science #medicalwriting z Proper Medical Writing https://ift.tt/PMlb67H via IFTTT