We provide professional support at all stages of scientific data processing and academic writing. We assist in the preparation
of various types of material for publication in leading journals, including original research papers, review articles, commentaries, letters to the editor, case reports, and meta-analyses. We provide statistical consultations; proofreading by native speakers; analysis of the potential to publish; journal selection based on academic content and expected impact factor (IF);
editing and formatting according to the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion) format, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requirements, and journal guidelines; and preparation of responses to reviewers’ remarks.
In a way, submission starts before writing a manuscript begins, when the authors consider target journals. Often, they have
a clear idea of where to send their paper, but sometimes they welcome support. The selection of target journals is based
on the research subject, type of manuscript, quality of the data, authors’ expectations, and many other factors.
PMW can help you choose the most appropriate journal for submission. Since the PMW team is familiar with a wide range
of medical journals and their requirements and preferences, we are able to gauge the strength of your manuscript well before
its submission. In so doing, the often frustrating and time-consuming submission process becomes much easier, friendlier,
and more convenient. PMW will also take over the ever-important process of writing an appropriate cover letter to engage
the interest of the editors. Once your manuscript is ready, it needs to be formatted according to the target journal’s requirements and submitted. PMW supports you during the entire submission process.
English is the lingua franca for the global scientific community, so it is no wonder that most articles are published in English. PMW collaborates with a number of skilled native English-speaking medical writers who ensure that all texts are written
in a clear communicative way and in perfect English. The high-quality writing results not only from their proficient command
of the language but also from their medical or biomedical background and medical writing experience.
PMW also provides editorial services in Polish and other languages as required.
PMW offers solutions to effectively communicate your medical and scientific data in a clear, precise and professional manner.
The decisions on how to present the data, including what to mention only in the text, what to put in the tables, what to show as a chart
and what to present as a figure are always the most important but at the same time the most difficult. It is not an exaggeration
to say that these choices can be crucial in determining the editor’s final say. The PMW team, consisting of medical experts, biostatisticians
and medical writers, can advise you on the most efficient way to display results.
PMW’s statisticians have a strong educational background in mathematics with a specialization in biostatistics,
and they are experienced in collaborating with physicians and scientists regarding study design and the analysis of the results. Thanks to their many years of experience cooperating with the medical and pharmaceutical community, they can perfectly understand the problems faced by researchers at any stage of their work. PMW provides statistical analyses of your data
and calculations of sample size for your study. The PMW team also uses their statistical perspective to advise on the design
of your study, on the use of correct statistical tests and on the interpretation of the data. They can help you identify the most important elements of your data and choose the best way to present them – a task that can be confusing and difficult otherwise. Our team offers a complete package, from designing the study and writing the protocol and statistical analysis plan, through data analysis to writing the CSR. All services are compliant with GCP.
We provide professional support at all stages of scientific data processing and academic writing for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
We can edit or write from a draft:
We can also assist you in the preparation of your manuscript regarding:
Assistance in the preparation of your scientific paper involves close co-operation between you and an expert medical writer and it may include:
We carefully follow the GPP3¹ guidelines concerning the development of articles and presentations.