Medical Writing | Sustainable communications | Lingua Franca and Beyond
The result of fruitful cooperation between the members of the @EASE and those of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) @EMWA published in Medical Writing, 2022, 31(1). Interesting reading! @SylwiaUfnalska @MariaKołtowska-Häggström Proper Medical Writing #communication #research #science #medicalwriting z Proper Medical Writing via IFTTT
The principles of biomedical scientific writing: CITATION
Citation, the act of properly referring to others? ideas, thoughts, or concepts, is a common and critical practice in scientific writing.Citations are used to give credit to own work, to support an argument, to acknowledge others? work, to distinguish other authors? ideasfrom one?s work, and to direct readers to sources of information. A good citation […]
The European Association od Science (EASE)
EASE Quick-Check Table for Submissions For authors, when preparing a scientific manuscript for submission to a journal, it can often be a time-consumingtask to adjust formatting and style to comply with journal’s specific preferences; a requirement which creates additional work, and adds a non-scientific element to the review process which can influence acceptance. For editorial […]
EMWA Goes virtual!
EMWA’s third virtual Expert Seminar Series (ESS) 2020 on medical communications. Date: Tuesday, 1 December 2020, from 13.30 to 16.30 CET(Please ensure you check the time for your location prior to the event). Real-world evidence (RWE) has attained an enormous significance in public health, regulatory policies, and pharmacoeconomics. To addres the impact of RWE on […]